18 Dec 2024

LIPOR and the Municipality of Tomiño sign Interadministrative Collaboration Agreement

LIPOR and its Associated Municipalities signed an Inter-Administrative Collaboration Agreement with the Municipality of Tomiño today, December 18th, with José Manuel Ribeiro, President of the Board of Directors of LIPOR and Sandra González, Mayor of the Municipality of Tomiño, presiding over the moment.

The signing of this Agreement will enable the Municipality of Tomiño, through the use of Wayste, an innovative technological platform, to monitor and monitor the process of implementing a door-to-door selective collection system for urban waste in its geographical area.

Wayste, developed by LIPOR, increases the efficiency of waste collection and recovery systems, but also increases citizens' environmental awareness. The monitoring and analysis systems installed on the Platform make it possible to create knowledge profiles of Customer participation. It also improves the satisfaction of customer needs as well as their practices, but also allows new projects and new solutions to be designed based on the information that is produced.

Wayste is a scalable, robust solution capable of monitoring the performance of the collection system and the evolution of implemented projects in real time, presenting itself as the key to ensuring the success of environmental management.

It is the engine of transformation for more efficient and sustainable waste management.

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