09 Dec 2024

LIPOR Integrated Report Wins Lusophone Creativity Awards

On December 5, LIPOR’s 2023 Integrated Report won two bronze awards at the Lusophone Creativity Awards in the categories of Design (subcategory: Digital Editorial Design) and Sustainability (subcategory: Environment and Sustainability).

Today, we are all deeply concerned about our impact on the world and the planet's future. We talk about our commitment to sustainability and how proud we are of it. However, being committed to sustainability is not just about recycling or adopting a few habits here and there. It means changing the way we think and act in all situations and moments of our lives.

We call this transformation adopting a sustainable lifestyle. In this sense, we have been building a community that shares the same values, visions, and ideals - we call it the "LIPOR Lifestyle”. We are a brand that speaks (and acts) about prevention, consumption, recycling, reuse, biodiversity, sustainability, waste reduction, and lowering our carbon footprint.

Through the 2023 Integrated Report, we sought to give voice to, illustrate, and tell the story of the past year of our activities, condensed in this lifestyle.

Developed by the agency Winicio, the 2023 Integrated Report demonstrates that the LIPOR Lifestyle is reflected in our Strategy, Actions, and Results. It shows that for LIPOR and its Stakeholders, Sustainability is, indeed, a way of life.

More than just a report, the creative concept materialized through a Manifesto that gave voice to our lifestyle. It was presented via a summarized version in video and featured on LIPOR’s digital platforms, including its website and social media.

Simplicity, lifestyle, sustainability, and modernity are the foundational attributes of this creative effort, utilizing a visual collection of LIPOR’s resources to transform the Report into more than just an informative document—it is vibrant, humanized, and energetic.

Explore our 2023 Integrated Report here.

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