05 Jun 2024

LIPOR publishes its Integrated Report 2023

On the World Environment Day, LIPOR publishes its 2023 Integrated Report, a document that reflects the commitment of the Organization's highest governance in terms of responsibility and transparency towards all its Stakeholders, the main target of this Report.

The Report contains financial and sustainability information for the year 2023, being the fifth year that we have done it as an Integrated Report, presenting LIPOR's strategy and performance in the ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance dimensions, supported by the drivers of our Sustainability Agenda, from a dynamic and evolutionary perspective, with the aim of creating and sharing sustainable value.

Under the motto "LIPOR Lifestyle”, a sustainable lifestyle, the document seeks to reflect the implementation of this lifestyle, sharing with Stakeholders the values, visions and ideals that the brand intends for its Sustainable Communities, as for LIPOR "making a difference takes more than an occasional gesture. It is the result of full dedication to what we strongly believe in: A sustainable lifestyle.”, this is our manifesto.

In 2023, we sent 85,854 tons of materials to Multimaterial Recycling, achieved a production of 11,942 tons of organic compost and produced 189,856 MWh at the Waste-to-Energy Plant, exporting 163,182 MWh of electricity to the national grid.

Furthermore, we reduced carbon emissions by 38.6% compared to 2006. And, compared to 2022, we increased the area converted into high biodiversity value by 94 hectares. We invested more than 2 million euros in the Community, developed, on average, 36.68 hours of training per employee and ended the year with a Turnover of more than 50 million euros.

The Report can be accessed HERE.

Our lifestyle involves an organizational model capable of creating value for the community. Only then does it make sense to grow.
Better every day, in our SUSTAINABLE VISION OF TOMORROW.
Better every day, in the DECISIONS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Mission by mission, we build a better future every day.

In line with the best and most recent reporting practices, the 2023 Integrated Report was prepared in accordance with the guidelines for integrated reporting from the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and in matters of Sustainability, in accordance with the GRI Standards.

The financial projections were prepared in accordance with the provisions of International Financial Relations Standards (IFRS), in compliance with European Union obligations.

To guarantee the reliability and veracity of the data presented, the Sustainability information contained in LIPOR's 2023 Integrated Report was duly subject to independent external verification, for a limited guarantee level of reliability, by PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda, and the External Verification Declaration and License of A1000AP (2018) Standard were sent to the Board of Directors.

In the words of José Manuel Ribeiro, President of LIPOR’s Board of Directors: "We have, from the start, to assume that everything that has been done in the waste sector and in the economic and fiscal domain, allowed LIPOR and a broad suit of other Organizations, to be a central piece in the construction of the Circular Economy, but could also have, in its performance, a clear expression of the positive "contribution” in terms of creating value and wealth for all Stakeholders. And this is, in our opinion, sustainable governance, believing that Sustainability is the compass of our Governance Model.”

Every day we build a better World.

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