06 Dec 2023
Public Participation
PAPERSU – Action Plan for the Application of the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste 2030
According to the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2030) aims to continue the application of the national waste policy, guiding the agents involved to implement actions that allow the country to be aligned with Community policies and guidelines, contributing to increasing prevention, recycling and other forms of recovery of urban waste, with the consequent reduction in consumption of natural raw materials with limited resources. This plan focuses on preventing waste production and selective collection, paying particular attention to new fractions: textile waste, hazardous waste and bio-waste, also giving importance to promoting the use of materials from waste (fuel derived from waste, compost, recovered recyclables, biogas and ash/slag).
The European Environmental Goals to which Portugal is subject for the years 2030 and 2035 are very demanding and will impose deep changes to the population's consumption habits and routines in the management and valorization of resources.
LIPOR and its 8 Associated Municipalities are preparing their PAPERSU 2030, defining the actions and initiatives to be developed to comply with the national strategy for our area of influence.
Contributing to a more circular economy is a strategic principle of LIPOR and we count on the support of citizens in promoting an increasingly sustainable future.