Clean Market, Shopping with Taste

Markets and Fairs are events in public spaces where market traders display and sell their goods, from vegetables and agricultural products to clothing and footwear, furnishings and decorations, among many other things. However, after each market, the waste resulting from the market's activities is scattered around the grounds.
"Feira Limpa, Compras com Gosto" (Clean Market, Shopping with Taste) is designed with the main goal to change this behaviour, promoting a recycling routine while ensuring that the fairgrounds are clean during and after the fair period.
With this project, we aim to internalise cleaningness and selective waste disposal practices at fairgrounds, either by putting in place and/or optimising the appropriate operational resources, or through communication and awareness campaigns that lead to a change in the behavioural and motivational habits of all those involved (sellers, visitors, those responsible for holding the fair, among others) through the transmission of knowledge.
We developed "Feira Limpa, Compras com Gosto" in line with three Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11 - Make cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; SDG 12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and SDG 17 - Partnerships for the implementation of the goals).
In short, we want to promote and enhance the image of the Markets and Fairs, generating a positive impact with a better allocation of resources and attracting visitors and sellers!
Project duration:
The "Feira Limpa, Compras com Gosto" Project started in October 2020, as a pilot project, a partnership with the Aver-O-Mar, Amorim and Terroso Parish Council, the Póvoa de Varzim Municipality and LIPOR. By the end of 2022, 65 sellers and around 500 visitors had jumped on board of the project and more than 5 tonnes of waste had been collected for recycling and recovery.
In 2023, LIPOR, together with Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), will continue to strengthen this project by extending it to other fairs in LIPOR's associated municipalities, reinforcing correct waste management so that we have more and more "Clean Markets".