Green Waste
In our region, biowaste (green and food waste) represents around 40% of the total waste produced, while green waste represents around 13.8% of the mixed waste.

The Selective Collection of Green Waste Project aims to reduce the presence of this fraction in the mixed waste containers, as well as contribute to the reuse and recycling of biodegradable waste.
Through green waste selective collection circuits, citizens can recycle the green waste they produce in their gardens and forward it free of charge through a specific municipal scheme.
Through green waste selective collection circuits, citizens can recycle the green waste they produce in their gardens and forward it free of charge through a specific municipal scheme.
After collection the green waste of LIPOR's Associated Municipalities goes through a composting process, allowing its transformation and the production of a high-quality natural compost - NUTRIMAIS.
Discover this selective collection service

In a joint effort of LIPOR and its Associated Municipalities, we launched an Awareness and Communication Campaign, to promote this new collection service.
Thus, we have developed a set of communication tools aimed at the citizens to appeal to their collaboration, through advertising on public transportation, on radio stations, in the press and theatrical performances on these issues in public spaces.
We also clarify doubts regarding how, when and where to deliver waste for collection. Several Awareness Teams took action on the streets of the eight municipalities, to clarify and help implement and monitor the collection service.

The main goal is that people can be aware of the positive impact they are having on the environment, through a small gesture and the use of this collection service, encouraging them to continue to participate in the recycling process.