Circular Economy
Do you know what is Circular Economy?
Circular Economy is not exactly a new topic, but it is still a challenge!
The importance of the Circular Economy is recognized in european and national guidelines and policies for its contribution to many of the current changes, such as the process of slowing down climate change, the potential for material recovery or the promotion of a more efficient use of resources.
Conscious of its responsibility to support the transition to a more Circular Economy, fostering a full understanding of the subject, leveraging leaderships and inspiring decisions towards the creation of virtuous circles, we publish the Guide for a Circular Economy.
Consult the digital publication here and be part of this transition!
For us, waste is a resource.
LIPOR´s Circular Economy Strategy is transversal to the entire Organization, being assumed by the Top Management as the way forward. This voluntary commitment to the principles of Circular Economy is expressed in the Declaration of Commitment signed by our Board of Directors.
Therefore, one of the fundamental aspects of this work is the flow of plastic materials. And, continuing the work done in the development of a Circular Economy for Plastics, we have submitted its Global Commitment for a New Plastics Economy, joining more than 250 organizations that have signed this commitment worldwide.

To implement this, LIPOR's involvement in the Circular Economy has the following structure based on a triple approach.
SPEED UP: expand knowledge on the need for paradigm change and the concept of a circular economy.
SCALE UP: provide specialized technical knowledge to increase skills through the elaboration of a certified skills training plan.
IMPACT ON: establish integrated circular economy dynamics at local and national levels, with several civil society players.
NUTRIMAIS - Our closed-loop case study
Resulting from the process of composting food waste and green waste that are separated at the source, Nutrimais is applied to soil to maintain or increase its natural fertility. Carefully selecting raw materials allows us to obtain certification by SATIVA for use in organic farming.
For more information NUTRIMAIS products.