Developed Projects
In terms of Innovation we follow co-creation and open innovation principles that includes projects developed internally and in partnership, creating synergies with more than 40 partners. We have been participating in financed projects by programs such as H2020, INTERREG, Life +, POCTEP, POSEUR, FCT, among others, with the aim of increasing knowledge, implementing good practices and exchanging experiences between international partners.
Find out some of the financed projects we have already developed:
The ESTRAEE Project (Cross-border Sustainable Strategy for the Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the POCTEP programme, integrated the partners: Deputación de Pontevedra; LIPOR; ERP Portugal; ERP España, Energylab and Revertia.
In the LIPOR area, it allowed us to implement a model that promotes the reuse and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Among other actions, we highlight the requalification and installation of new equipment in 9 recycling centres, allowing the segregation at source of equipment with repair potential, as well as the installation, at LIPOR (Baguim do Monte site), of a unit that centralises the reception of equipment with repair potential and of a Recovery and Reuse Centre.
For more information, please visit the Project's official website.
LIFE+ Miniwaste – promoting home composting (EU) | 2010-2012
Development, implementation and evaluation of an innovative and sustainable plan to reduce the organic fraction of Urban Waste in the Member States.
Partners: Rennes Metropole (France), Cemagref (France), Brno (Czech Republic) and ACR + (Belgium).
Promotion and integration of sustainable purchasing practices in Portuguese and Greek municipalities.
LIFE COM – European Week for Waste Reduction (EU) | 2009-2011
Promotion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, which is still in every November across Europe.
Partners: ADEME (France), ACR + ((Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management), ARC (Catalonia, Spain) and IBGE (Brussels Region, Belgium).
H2020 – EWIT: Developing an e-Waste Implementation Toolkit (EU) | 2015-2017
Support African Municipalities in the implementation of effective waste management systems for Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) for their Communities. Partnership with 23 more international reference partners.
LIPOR has access to a POSEUR financing line. Consult these projects here.