The strategy

We care for the environment and our communities.
We manage resources, we create value.
Today we have unequivocal scientific evidence that the climate is changing. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports reaffirm this evidence and identify anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) as the determining factor for global warming since 1750. Even if GHG emissions are reduced, climate change and its negative effects will perpetuate for decades.
The waste sector is central to the global climate debate. It was in this context of responsibility that we assumed, back in 2006, as both GHG emitter and mitigation instrument, the monitoring and management of GHG emissions as a key tool to:
- in operational terms: to reinforce information availability (in terms of specific indicators of our activity);
- in terms of market positioning: to have a proactive and innovative approach to a new level of corporate responsibility.
Therefore, we have adopted, as an integral part of our strategy, the European Union's goals for 2030, demonstrating LIPOR's commitment to fighting climate change.
4M is a way of inviting citizens to transform the way they live, to recognize the importance of their choices, to reduce CO2 emissions and build a healthier and more sustainable society.
Therefore, waste prevention, composting and recycling, biodiversity, urban gardens and mobility are some of the key themes of this commitment, always from the perspective of how citizens, with their choices, can join the 4M movement, assuming this strategy as a way of being and thus reducing their impact on the planet.